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Fuel your feedlot knowledge: visit the Industry Tent at SmartBeef23

Step into the heart of lot feeding expertise at the Industry Tent at SmartBeef, where representatives from ALFA, MLA & NFAS will be ready to greet you.

A unique chance to engage with industry bodies in the one spot, swing by the industry tent to ask those questions you’ve been meaning to ask, get setup on Feedlot TECH, and grab your ‘be-audit-ready’ calendar.

Whether you're a seasoned industry professional or a curious newcomer, don't miss this opportunity to have one-on-one conversations with representative of ALFA, MLA & NFAS.

Australian Lot Feeders’ Association (ALFA)

The Australian Lot Feeders’ Association (ALFA) is the peak national body representing the Australian cattle feedlot industry. ALFA seeks to improve the profitability, professionalism and community standing of the cattle feedlot industry via representation, strategic levy investment, industry development activities and member assistance.

ALFA Membership was established in the 1960’s and has provided world-class information and assistance for Members for more than 50 years.

ALFA is responsible for:

  • Representing and promoting the views of the cattle feedlot industry;

  • Directing the expenditure of the grain fed cattle transaction levy;

  • Improving the industry through the development and delivery of standards, training, events, leadership, awards, career development and employment opportunities; and

  • Providing membership services.

ALFA runs a number of workshop series, training courses, and events throughout the year for lot feeders, associated industry professionals and those involved in the supply chain.

Member discounts are offered for all workshops.

ALFA's Recognition of Excellence Awards Program recognises business and individual excellence within the cattle feedlot sector.

ALFA is proud of the businesses and individuals that make up the sector who selflessly aspire to develop themselves and industry practices for the betterment of the sector.

ALFA’s Recognition of Excellence Awards Program is open to ALFA Members and/or their employees who demonstrate excellence and alignment with the core values of each Industry Award or Scholarship. If you would like to explore all the benefits of membership, click here.

Feedlot TECH (Training, Education, Careers Hub)

Feedlot TECH is ALFA’s one-stop-shop for feedlot-specific skills training and careers information needs. Launched in 2021, Feedlot TECH is an initiative of ALFA, in collaboration with Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA).

The feedlot-specific training platform offers a central collection of training, education and career pathway information within the Australian lot feeding sector.

The courses can be easily integrated into daily operations and onsite staff training. Head to the stand and speak to Emily Litzow on how you can incorporate Feedlot TECH into your staff training program.

Feedlot TECH can be accessed by easily signing up online and is free to access. Keen to learn more? Don’t miss your chance to see it in action at the SmartBeef23 demonstration Navigating the Pens: A Livestock Handling Demonstration, brought to you by ALFA & MLA and featuring Ryan Brown and Lachy Strohfeldt.

Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA)

MLA is a service provider to the red meat industry. MLA’s purpose is to foster the long-term prosperity of the Australian red meat and livestock industry by investing in research, development and marketing activities. Through their subsidiary companies, Integrity Systems Company and MLA Donor Company, they work on innovation across the value chain and deliver the red meat industry’s integrity and on-farm quality assurance programs.

MLA’s Feedlot Program

MLA’s feedlot investments aim to increase the productivity and profitability of feedlots, reduce operational inputs and costs and underpin the sustainability of the sector.

The development and implementation of tools and technologies seek to reduce the impacts of animal disease, improve animal welfare and reduce operational costs.

Opportunities exist to further improve the environmental sustainability of the feedlot industry, reduce the impact of disease and heat stress, and contribute to an overall positive public perception of the sector. Dr Joe McMeniman and Dr Matt van der Saag lead the Feedlot Program at MLA.

Sign up for the Quarterly Feed: News and insights for Australian lot feeders from MLA’s feedlot program.

National Feedlot Accreditation Scheme (NFAS)

The National Feedlot Accreditation Scheme (NFAS) was founded in 1994 as the quality management system that underpins the integrity of Australian grain fed beef as a safe and responsibly farmed beef offering.

NFAS is an independently audited quality assurance program for the lotfeeding industry that was initiated by ALFA and is managed by AUS-MEAT.

NFAS ensures that the Australian beef feedlot industry demonstrates a responsive feedlot management program for continual improvement, particularly in relation to animal welfare and the environment, whilst guaranteeing the safety and integrity of grain fed beef.

Every year, all 350-plus NFAS-accredited feedlots are independently audited.

There are many benefits to being NFAS-accredited:

  • It allows lot feeders to access price premiums by being able to utilise the ‘Grain Fed’ beef (GF, GFYG or GFF) cipher in export markets;

  • It provides the opportunity to access discounts on insurance premiums and annual environmental license fees (in some states);

  • It instils a management discipline that helps lot feeders more effectively manage risks within their operation;

  • At a broader industry level, it provides a systems-based approach that delivers continual industry improvement whilst also providing the independence, integrity and transparency to allow the sector to defend its animal welfare, environment, food safety and product integrity credentials to external stakeholders; and

  • It helps the industry improve market access whilst preventing Government and/ or customers imposing additional requirements and costs on the sector.

Be smart and spend some time with team NFAS at Smart Beef!

At BeefEx22, one lucky person won an RM Williams voucher just by visiting the NFAS stand. But at SmartBeef, there’s something for everyone!

The latest handy item from the NFAS team is the new ‘be-audit-ready’ calendar for your office wall. Be sure to drop in to meet NFAS Program Manager Trish Ryder and one of the audit team members to answer all your audit questions.


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