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Identifying the issue: A thoracic ultrasound demonstration and remote diagnostics with wearable tech

Updated: Jul 28, 2023

Be privy to seeing first-hand this advancement in technology that provides a rapid, on-feedlot, validated confirmation of bovine respiratory disease as we demonstrate a live thoracic ultrasound in action with veterinarians from Apiam Animal Health.

Delegates can expect to witness the advances in diagnosing animal health and walk away having a greater understanding of the technology available, best practice techniques, and the benefits of using these tools to assist future feedlot livestock teams manage animal health and welfare.

Apiam veterinarians will demonstrate thoracic ultrasound surveys on cattle, and describe differences in healthy and diseased lung fields. Additionally, Apiam veterinarians in a separate location will demonstrate utilisation of Assisted Reality headsets to connect remote experts to complement on-site diagnostic methods. An update on research of wearable technology devices for feedlot cattle animal health management will also be delivered.

Animal welfare is at the heart of everything we do on-feedlot. Therefore, ensuring great animal welfare outcomes at every turn is of the utmost importance, and being able to better predict and detect animal health issues is beneficial to any feedlot operation.


Dr Tony Batterham

Tony is a senior veterinary consultant to beef feedlots and feedlot business unit manager, employed by Apiam Animal Health. He is a veterinary graduate from Sydney University and also holds a Diploma of Veterinary Clinical Studies from Sydney University, a Master of Clinical Epidemiology, and a Graduate Certificate of Data Analytics from University of Newcastle. Tony is also a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and has served two terms as an ALFA councillor.

His special interest is in advanced diagnostics for feedlot conditions, objective measures of animal welfare and antimicrobial stewardship. Tony also donates his time as an external lecturer in feedlot medicine to University of Melbourne and is currently a PhD candidate with Sydney University.

He has led projects for Meat & Livestock Australia investigating benefits of acclimation and comparing diagnostic modalities for BRD in beef feedlots, and is currently involved in several projects researching autogenous vaccines and wearable technology for remote diagnostics and wellbeing assessment.

Dr Robbie Hayward

Dr Robbie Hayward earned his Bachelor and Veterinary Biology and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from the University of Sydney.

Robbie is originally from Central West NSW and now calls Quirindi home, where he works as a veterinary consultant to beef feedlots at Apiam Animal Health.

Robbie joined Apiam Animal Health in 2021 and has been involved in MLA founded and in house research projects. He has a keen interest in remote BRD diagnostic technologies, antimicrobial stewardship and bovine medicine and surgery. Whilst on site, Robbie also enjoys providing equine dentistry services to feedlot horses.


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