This session will highlight entries into this year's ALFA Innovation Competition, proudly sponsored by Integrated Animal Production, and will allow delegates to hear from the shortlisted entrants about the innovation they have entered into the competition, before the winner and runners up are drawn and presented with their award.
Entrants have been asked to enter an original product or service that is of benefit to a specific area of feedlot-operation, that delivers either or all of the following - efficiency gains, pin point accuracy, or enhanced safety in the day-to-day operation of the feedlot.
So, make sure you come check out the innovations and lot feeders that have been branded finalists in this year’s competition and vote on the ‘niftiest’ innovation gracing feedlots across the country via the online poll that will be open throughout the day.
Cast your vote for the ‘niftiest’ innovation gracing feedlots across the country via the online poll that will be open throughout the day.
You can also vote for your favourite innovation ahead of the day via 'liking' their innovation on the ALFA website. Links to the innovations and instructions on how to vote are listed below.
We’re looking to bring back some feedlot favourites as well.
Let the sparks fly as your imagination is ignited and ideas formed to take back to your site.
The winner of this competition will take home bragging rights and $2,500 in prize money. The runner up will also walk away with a cool $1,000.
Clever ground-roots ideas and innovations that have been incorporated into day-to-day operations at the feedlot have been entered into the ALFA Innovation Competition. Feedlots and their employees have implemented clever, non-commercialised innovations that genuinely make a difference to the functionality of day-to-day operations at the feedlot will be on display at SmartBeef23. The winner will be determined by popular vote and announced at the feedlot industry’s premier event, SmartBeef23 taking place in Tamworth, NSW, on October 11 – 12.
Winner receives $2,500
Runner-up receives $1,000
All entries will be open to the public to vote on between July and September. Pre-event voting closes September 22. Voting will recommence on October 12 for final votes to be lodged throughout the day on site, before the final announcement at 4pm, October 12.
Click on each entry below to find out more, and to vote for your favourite until September 22.